The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74691   Message #1305066
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
23-Oct-04 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pre-Election Post-election thoughts
Subject: RE: BS: Pre-Election Post-election thoughts
BB said


all your points are debatable, but do not directly address the topic:

Getting back to my question, what if Bush DOES win the popular vote, clearly, but NOT the Electorial College? "

It seems to me the crux of your question is this.

"hat are those who feel presently that Bush is NOT the elected president, because he did not win the populr vote"

I'm telling you that the people who do not feel Bush won, feel that way because of the mistakes made and because of the fraud committed by Catherine Harris.

So Bearded Bruce, you are arguing a logical falicy. You are setting up a straw man. Apparently it wasn't enough to counter your argument in the first thread. So now I am accusing you of intellectual dishonesty and "CNN Crossfire" tactics.

As it that were not enough, it is easy to show that your hypothetical situation is pretty much impossible in this current electoral contest.

I just looked at an Electoral Map
based on the most recent polls.

Compare the Dark Blue states to the Dark red ones, put your mouse over them and look at the numbers. The fact is that Bush's lead in the so called red non-battle ground states is on average ten to twenty percent higherm and in some cases almost twice as high than Kerry's lead in the blue states. If the Vote splits 50-50, unless some large, blue states completely breaks against the polls, or a lot more people in Texas and some of the western states vote for Kerry, Kerry will win. Kerry has a good chance of winning without winning the popular vote. Bush has almost no cahnce of winning even with a tie of the popular votes because of his big leads in many states.

Given your arrogant, unfounded, prattle about "Left wing bigots", I hope this news disheartens you as much as it gives me confidence that Kerry is in a very favorable position.

Thanks for reading BeardedBruce, now go back to trying bully people so that you can manipulate the discussion of your "topic".