The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74575   Message #1305115
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
23-Oct-04 - 06:21 PM
Here's what Cindy wrote a few posts ago - I think it deserves to be read again. I tidied it up bit with the spelling and that, and I hope she won't mind that - I think it's a very eloquent and moving piece, and spaced out a bit it's easier to read. I think if you think what is involved in this, it's a document to make us feel humble:

We hired an attorney here to write an appeal, but even though we have a lawyer, he can only do the legal stuff. He has told me he can in no way try to put pressure on the government to do anything.

Since I have been back I have written endless letters and have made phone calls.

I have written to every senator and congressman that has either sponsored or co-sponsored any type of immigration bill in the last 2 years.

I have written to the President and to the Vice President
I have written to every presidential candidate,

I have written to Secretary of State Powell,

I have written to the Governer of Pennsylvania,

I have written to the Reading Eagle newspaper.
I have written to the Oprah Winfrey show, the Montel Williams show, the Maury show,
I have written to channel 10,15,69,15 (these are the stations we get here)

I have written to the Federation for American Immigration Reform
I have written to the Lutheran Immigration. & Refugee services,
I have written to the Immigration and Naturalization Service

I have written to the Citizenship and
Immigration Services Ombudsman Prakash I. Khatri

I have written to Attorney General Ashcroft,

I have written to Rev. Jesse Jackson,

I have written to the American Center for Law & Justice
I have written to the American Civil Liberties Union,

The only responses I have received beside "There is nothing we can do" were from Congressman Trent Franks, from Senator Arlen Spector and from Congressman Joe Potts.
But all they say is "All we can do is to see where in line the paperwork is
and how long it will be before a decision is made"

And they can't even give me a answer on that.

I talk to Brian at Congressman Frank's office and I talk to Nicholas at Congressman Potts' office, but they are little to no help...

Since we have been back I have letters from Doctors,
I have letters from Counsellors,
I have letters from Teachers,
I have letters from Social Workers,
They say that that Jess is in crisis,.
They say that that her mind cannot take nor understand what has happened,
They say that, if something isn't done she will crack
and she will have to be put in a institution
which will end up being permanent.
Thay say that this is a medical emergency and that Jess is in crisis.


Sorry, I cannot let this happen.
In essence the government is trying to make me choose
between my husband who is the love of my life
and my daughter, who is my life.

This goes beyond the hardship that they say we have to prove.
This is inhumane.

This is why I decided to start posting on message boards.

By myself I have gotten nowhere.
The hope that there is strength in our only hope..
