The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72521 Message #1305220
Posted By: GUEST,
23-Oct-04 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: August Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Subject: RE: August Shanty Sing at the Press Room
Dear Mr.Curmudgeon; I ran across one of your older letters where you mentioned the Penguin book of English verse. I own a copy. The problem is,only about 20% is actually of English origin. It is mostly Scots, Welsh and Irish. I am looking for a good sorce for true English folk songs. One friend suggested that if the songs are in English they can call it an English folk song. I disagreed. Another said that maybe there weren't enough English folk songs for a book so they had to fill it in. I have many true Engish folk songs that weren't in the book so I didn't think that was it. I did see a pattern though. The English folk songs tend to be much simpler in poetry and melody than the songs of Gailic origin. Also the subjects are far more "bawdy". Maybe it is because of the difference in culture. I am interested in the historical and cultural significance of the music. If you know any sorces I would be grateful.