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Thread #74439   Message #1305783
Posted By: GUEST
24-Oct-04 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
You are all entitled to your opinions, and I am entitled to mine. I am voting for Nader, and with a clear conscience. As I said in another thread today, I realize there are consequential differences between Bush and Kerry, but I will not vote for either candidate, as a vote for either one of them is a vote to maintain the systems of capitalist empire I have worked my entire life to change.

In other words, I am both sticking to my principles AND doing the right thing. I don't participate in the politics of capitulation and appeasement. Encroaching fascism in US politics is a given at this point, and has been present in our political system for well over 20 years now. It is not suddenly a potential only if Bush is elected. It is the beast we are attempting to slay, here and now, and have been trying to slay for over 20 years. Reagan enshrined that fascism in the US at the same time Thatcer nailed it down. Neither Clinton or Blair did anything to change that course, and both Clinton and Blair nailed desparately attempted to nail the lid down on the coffin of progressive socialism. Kerry is ready to step into place, and keep on hammering.

Not all of us have fallen for the Democratic Party tactics being used to regain power and control of the political establishment. The Democratic Party isn't working for thebenefit of the working class and poor, any more than it is working for universal health care, the environment, human rights and global justice, world peace, or an end to militarist capitalism and empire.

Anyone who believes John Kerry will bring the working class and poor universal health care, a clean environment, human and civil rights, peace in the Middle East or anywhere else, an end to the economic "volunteer army" drafting of the nation's poor men and women, or an end to the domination of the US political system by the military capitalists, is seriously deluded.

John Kerry is every bit the status quo candidate as George Bush. A vote for either is a vote to maintain the status quo Kerry's supporters claim they are against. Which in my book, makes all of you Kerry supporters claiming otherwise a bunch of hypocrites and liars.