The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74736   Message #1305866
Posted By: CarolC
24-Oct-04 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: FLU SHOT INFO
dianavan has said that there is some extra supply in Canada that could be sent here but that the FDA is preventing that from being done. The Bush people are using the shortage as an opportunity to strongarm people into passing legislation that they wouldn't pass otherwise. The Bush people have a long history of using these kinds of things to push through their agendas. It's really not hard to see through their tactic if one pays close attention. This is a manufactured shortage arranged by the Bush people and the lobbyists who are pulling their strings, in order to get legislation passed that wouldn't pass otherwise. I'm not falling for it.

The fact that these copy-paste propaganda screeds are being put out there right now, when people have been whipped into a fearful state because of the vaccine shortage, just makes these underhanded tactics all the more obvious. I could have predicted that stuff of the sort that red_clay has started this thread with would be cropping up all over the internet just because I could see what the real agenda behind the vaccine shortage is.