The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74736   Message #1306697
Posted By: CarolC
25-Oct-04 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: FLU SHOT INFO
Never ascribe to conspiracy what is merely due to stupidity....

You wouldn't say that if you lived here in the US. This is the second year in a row that we've had a flu vaccine shortage. And now the Bush people are using the shortage as a means to push through legislation that most people in the US don't want.

Another example of this sort of thing is the Bush people's "healthy forests" initiative. They advocate cutting down the old growth forests as a way of preventing forest fires, when all of the science shows that it's the new growth forests that are the biggest problem for forest fires. And what did the Bush people do? When many people were suffering because of the massive forest fires that were blazing thoughout the western US, they started pushing through legislation that would make the problem worse, and enrich certain special interests.

Anybody who doesn't automatically suspect foul play on the part of the Bush people in a situation like this one is being unnecessarily foolish.