The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74740   Message #1307235
Posted By: Bobert
25-Oct-04 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday Sinsul
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Sinsul
Well, Tinker, this is about all I gotta say:

First of all, I don't mud wrestle wid no womenz 'cuase they cheat.

Same goes fir duct tape wrestlin'...

Might o' fact I ain't into wrestlin' wid no womenz wid duct tape, mud 'er parcheezee 'cause I know how you all play...

So, I'' jus' say this, an' this in perhaps my final statement on the matter: Hey, all I was reportin' is what is on the streets. Hey, I go and read that you an' Sins is getting married, 'cept maybe I mighta misread somethin but that Ain't my lexdexic fault 'cause maybe it was jacqui an' Kendall but do you guys, opps, gals, give me one benefit of the doubt? Don't answer that one.

Well, heck no. I gotta get duct taped and then thowed into the mudpit wid a womenz that ain't ducttaped but doean anyone see that? Don't answer that one.

Heck no they don't. All thay see is this poor ol' boney hillbilly gettibn' thrashed oin the mudpit by a womenz! That's what they see but if you'd hose both the womenz and the Bobert off you'd find that the Bobertz was duct taped at the time.

And that is my story...
