The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74575   Message #1307578
Posted By: GUEST,laoise feerick
26-Oct-04 - 10:19 AM
This is my first exposure to Cindy and Jessica's problem and I haven't had the time to fully digest it but I must remind people that her problem is NOT THAT UNUSUAL. You'd think the U.S. would want nice, english speaking folks from Oz or England to come join their married families but due to the fact that the rules vary for potential immigrants according to what country they are from... it's never a simple case of "oh well, why did you overstay your Visa?" Often, people have applied for extensions, hearings are set but those hearings are scheduled for AFTER the expiration date and so on. Do you leave and not wait for the hearing, wait but be in technical violation, etc? I've had several friends with spouses from England, Ireland and Australia face this problem and it's never simple - even when no violations have taken place.

This Family's problem is NOT merely one of Immigration law it is one of Human Rights and I shall take a little time to try and gather some links for them to Mental Health Advocacy groups who might be better equipt to argue her child's case. Since the issue seems to be getting her hubbie HERE..perhaps the people who put her in this position in the first place, The Aussie Government, might have a vested interest in trying to help Russell Emmigrate. After all, if they didn't want his daughter, perhaps they'll help him join her in The States.

For whatever reason Russell overstayed his the post-9/11 wolrd.. that is considered reason enough to make his family suffer, I am afraid. However, I think if the right people really hear this woman out, they will do what they can for her.

At the very least, I'd like to see this gal and her child get some much needed support from organizations designed to advocate for children such as her daughter. They are so isolated right now.

I'll be back with some links , hopefully later in the day.