The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74590 Message #1307882
Posted By: Once Famous
26-Oct-04 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Warped Martin
Subject: RE: Warped Martin
Good post defending Martins of today Cumbrian and Bev and Jerry, also.
Don, go buy a new one and try one out. Mine is a 1971 D-18 with an aged top, tone, and intgrity that kills. As I reiterate, many bluegrass people I know are playing D-16s, Hd-28s and new items like D-18V. These guitars are just fabulous.
Juan P-B, keep strumming that cheap piece of junk you found at the flea market. If you get good enough to play it, you to can one day step up to a Martin, after you get your 8th grade diploma.