The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74806   Message #1308066
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Oct-04 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer
Subject: BS: Bush: Dangerously Wrong On Nuclear Non-
Bush:   Dangerously Wrong On Non-Proliferation

Don't take my word for it.

Source: MSNBC News 25 Oct 2004

Half the world's stockpile of plutonium and highly enriched uranium is in Russia. 600 metric tons are now warehoused. Of that quantity, the US Department of Energy reported at the end of 2003, 22% is satisfactorily stored.

As Kerry pointed out in the first debate, at the current rate it will take 13 years to do it all.
He says he can and will do it in 4.

Bush has decided to let 2 of the major programs to secure this material lapse, since Russia would not agree to a change in the agreement which would shield US firms from worker safety liability.

Senator Pete Domenici, Republicaan of New Mexico: "I wonder if he (Bush) has been advised that the liability issue is preventing destruction of enough plutonium for about 10,000 weapons."

Robert Galluci, dean of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service: "This (unsecured nuclear material) is the principal security threat to the United States in the next decade". Of course, he could have added it's the major threat to the world.

Sounds like Bush should change the slogan of the US from "E Pluribus Unum" to "Corporate Privilege At All Costs" (have to find the Latin for that).

And for this he's willing to sacrifice world nuclear safety.

OK, Doug R, Larry K et al.--let's hear your feeble excuses.

And, for all that, those of the Naderites, who cannot bring themselves to support the one person in the world who can improve the situation.