The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74727   Message #1308184
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
26-Oct-04 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: October Surprise Week
Subject: RE: BS: October Surprise Week
The"October Surprises" so far have been ones that should surely favor Kerry.   Stolen munitions (well covered, by the way here in the US), massacres of Iraqi recruits (blamed on us by the alleged Pres. of Iraq, and the usual "quagmire" of ill conceived planning that this adminstration cannot recognize due to its living in a parallel world.

It also seems to me that besides looking Presidential Kerry is speaking Presidential. Whereas I first thought of an anti W vote I now truly am happy to consider a pro Kerry vote. He is getting more impressive each day.

Do we find honesty and the ability to change the course of world events? I don't know. It is a hard thing nowadays to contemplate. Do I think that Kerry is more open to ideas? You Bet!!!..

Last thought---our Supreme Court. Rehnguist.   Sorry for his condition, but one has to also take that into consideration. Given that the Mighty Robed Ones are appointees for life one has to hope that W does not get to appoint his zealots that follow his religious and far right agenda with a turn of the back to the constitution and objectivity.

Bill Hahn