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Thread #74439   Message #1308204
Posted By: GUEST
26-Oct-04 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Choking on Progressives for Kerry'
You read about it at CultNews?

And you're lecturing me about credibility?

You're right, I don't know anything about you. But people who are talking the same talk as you, ie constant haranguing about Bush/Cheney et al, and persistent voicing of intense, irrational fears of a Bush victory, makes me think some of you Kerry supporters really can't stand being around people who don't think exactly like you do. To the point of being intolerant of Republicans, conservatives, progressive independents like Nader, or anyone who isn't stridently in your candidate's camp, period.

My way of looking at the world means that if Kerry wins, we live with Kerry, if Bush wins, we live with Bush. But I'm not going to vote for either of them because I think my guy is better. But hey, best of luck to you and your guy. I mean that.