The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74813 Message #1308722
Posted By: GUEST,Laoise Feerick
27-Oct-04 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: BK and Cock Fights
Subject: RE: BS: BK and Cock Fights
have not seen said commercial, but I'm shocked that BK managed to go through all the typical planning and development of such an ad campaign without somebody having a stroke and saying "are we sure we want to do this?"
Of course, this is in a time when Abercrombie & Fitch have decided it's funny to sell T-shirts accusing west virginians of incest.
Howard Stern attacked Michael Powell, our FCC chairmen..the dude who's job it is to be outraged by ads that make light of cock-fighting.. and suggested his famous daddy goit him his job. Powell's response was the equivilent of yelling "did NOT!" across a playground.
Not that I think Howard stern is a hero ( he ain't) but he might have a point.