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Thread #74691   Message #1308740
Posted By: GUEST
27-Oct-04 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pre-Election Post-election thoughts
Subject: RE: BS: Pre-Election Post-election thoughts
I think the conjecturing and crystal ball gazing about the election is just that, and the ruminating is largely hype. I too bemusedly read the Washington Post article this morning with my coffee, and wryly smiled as I read:

"None of these scenarios is likely to occur next week, but neither is any of them far-fetched."

I think people have a naturally human apprehension about the upcoming election because of the way the last one went, and because we have all been led to believe by pollsters and pundits that this will be a very close presidential race.

Not being a fearful sort of person though, I've never believed we would see anything even remotely as bizarre as the 2000 election repeated in my life time, much less see it repeated in 2004. In fact, one of the most entertaining aspects about 2000 was watching the level of anxiety and hysteria among so many of the much too grimly serious political junkies. They have, of course, resurfaced and are currently screaming invectives in our faces, spewing their venom on all who don't take this election to be The Most Important Thing In the World, that sort of thing.

Difference for me from post-Election Day entertainment value of Indecision 2000 to The Most Important Election of All Time 2004, is that the hysteria mongering, the self-important breast beaters, and especially the candidates themselves, are enough to turn anyone but the most dedicated political junkies away from electoral politics forever.

All I can think of these days is how lucky the younger generation is to be able to see through all this hype and crap, and have cell phones where they can't be polled, pegged, and dropped into a voter demographic group.

I've been politically active all my life, but I can tell you, I'm seriously thinking of getting out of it all together this year for the first time ever. Why? Because of the way the people I know have become utter flaming assholes over this election. It makes me want to move to another city and change my identity, just to get away from their hysteria mongering.