The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14876   Message #130904
Posted By: Rick Fielding
02-Nov-99 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: A suggestion - splitting off non-music
Subject: RE: A suggestion
The "Gang of Twelve". Here's my take on it, although at times I'm pretty thick, and I may have it all wrong.

A while ago GG - who obviously gets very frustrated, as the "cat" continues to change from a traditional music site to a much broader entity, started calling a lot of folks "PC" (I guess he means those of liberal bent) and referring to "The Gang of Twelve" (a take on China's infamous "Gang of Four" - who, until their executions, were seen to have undue influence on Govt. policy)
I wasn't around for the first two years of the Mudcat, but I've read literally every archived thread, and he's right. There was less in the way of personal information shared. The humour could be biting, cryptic and downright nasty at times. (that hasn't changed, and never will) As more new folks (with less folk-academic credentials) started discovering the site, certain postings that might have resulted in objective debate, became very emotional. Terms like "Darkies, Niggers, etc. are just plain unacceptable to some, whether historically accurate or not. Blood could get to the boiling point.
Every so often a lurker would shit disturb at exactly the right time and a thread talking about the troubles in Ireland would explode into flames. Peacemakers (often those PC folks) would intervene and a lot of the time make things worse, as others (who'd only seen Ireland on a postcard) jumped in as well.
In it's early days there were far fewer philosophical and New-age (sounding) threads, and I think this annoys him (and a few others) as well. Sadly, while the others discuss their annoyance with each other,(and leave room for disenting opinion) GG quite often resorts to hurtful, personal attacks...and then immediately disappears, leaving the victim a bit shell-shocked. Nine times out of ten, the next person to view the post tries to make that person feel better...and in GG's mind that certainly qualifies them for charter membership in the "Group of Twelve".

I certainly feel that his reasons for being angry are legit, ('cause very few people actually LIKE change) although his blaming Max for the influx of new members is silly. His isolation is STRICTLY the result of his cruelty in expressing this anger.

Rick (probably one of the gang of 12)