The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1309084
Posted By: beardedbruce
27-Oct-04 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole

IMO, there is a lot of valid criism of Bush- But a whole lot more plain nastyness that is based on people's dislike of his policies.

I have stated, repeatedly, that I do not agree with all that the Bush administration has done, or is doing. I thought that everything the Washington post said about Bush was accurate, and a reasonable assessment. I do feel, however, that Kerry has not given me any reason to feel that I, my family, my friends, or all the other citizens of this country, would be safer, or even better off under a Kerry Administration.

I resent being told that if I hold an opinion different from someone that I will be held to a different set of standards, when having a discussion, than the people that agree with the "PROPER" view. I find that there is a simultaneous claim thet "EVERYONE" is against Bush, and that anyone who supports Bush is foolish, misled, or involved in the evil conspiracy. This selective disenfranchisment of all those who do not support the Liberal side does not strike me as fair, or reasonable.

When I look at the dirty tricks being done by BOTH sides, I see that the ones done in support of the "PROPER" side are being ignored, or downplayed, while those of the "EVIL" side are blown out of proportion. This does not strike me as fair or reasonable.

I have no problem with people voting according to thier opinions- I would expect them to, and see no reason that I should not have that right as well, without being subject to personal attacks and ridicule.

Perhaps it is just the Mudcat, but I have seen far more reprehensible behaviour by those professing to support Kerry than by those who claim to support Bush. Should I judge the candidates by their statements, or the people who support them? From what they say - NOT what those against them say that they said - I still feel that we would be better off with a Bush administration, as flawwed as I know it to be.