The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74662   Message #1310031
Posted By: khandu
28-Oct-04 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tweed is an arrogant asshole!
Subject: RE: BS: Tweed is an arrogant asshole!
It is clear that Tweed wears his absurd headdress in an effort to emulate my Royal Self, King khandu of the Etherial Kingdom of Mississippi, whom Tweed desires to be! Little does he realize that the Royal Cherokee Headwear which I so proudly don is a sign of a covenant between my Royal Self & Chief Boi-Ardee of the Knookie-knook tribe which forbids the wearing of the unclean turds of rabbits any where above the navel or anywhere below the goonads.

Further, the Honored Covenant aslo forbids the burning of "noxious gasses which are expelled from the relaxed sphincter of the holes of asses". In non-Royal terms, that means it forbids flaming assholes.

Tweed, there is no need to try to promote yourself this way? Was it not enough that I gave you a kid-sized reasonable facsimile of my
Royal Headwear (with attached gee-gaws!)? Or that I gave you a Porta-Potty made as a replica of my Royal Throne? Can you not be happy just being the greatly needed Royal KOTROT & Asshole you are?

Come to your senses Man! Anyone can be a Flaming Asshole!
