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Thread #74522   Message #1310094
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
28-Oct-04 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Troop Redeployment in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: UK Troop Redeployment in Iraq
This appeared in the on-line Telegraph. I just wonder what bluster we will get from Blare when our troops do take casualties. Again the senior officers are expressing their concerns about working with US troops.

From the feeling in the article there are big reservations about the type of tactics that have been employed by the US troops.

Senior officers with the Black Watch battle group sent north to replace American soldiers believe that the Government agreed to send them there without properly understanding the risks the troops face.

They said the United States marines they were replacing had suffered more than 200 casualties, including nine dead, since July.

"We expect every lunatic terrorist from miles around to descend on us like bees to honey," a high-ranking officer said in an e-mail home this week.

"I hope the Government knows what it has got itself into. I am not sure it fully understands the risks."

Sources close to the Black Watch said that that view was representative of most of the regiment's senior officers.

"The troops are well and coming at it with their usual humour," the e-mail said.

But while the officers retain undiminished faith in their men's ability, they are worried that the atmosphere created by the more aggressive tactics of the American troops will leave the British soldiers with a difficult task in picking up the pieces.

An e-mail seen by The Daily Telegraph said: "The marines we have taken over from have taken nine dead and 197 wounded since July. Hope we do better."

The officer also expressed concern over the way in which the troops were being sent hundreds of miles north of their commanders back in Basra, effectively leaving them isolated with supplies and rapid reinforcements possible only by aircraft.

Another e-mail said: "The task looks quite challenging - a 500-mile line of communication to sustain 800 men and over 100 armoured vehicles largely from the air."

A former Black Watch officer said there was an acceptance that the troops might suffer up to 20 per cent casualties.

He added: "They are very happy to do what they are paid to do."

The concerns of the senior officers were reflected in comments yesterday from ordinary soldiers who were flown north while the first convoy of armoured vehicles travelled by road.

Speaking at Basra before boarding an aircraft, 19-year-old Pte Manny Lynch, from Fife, admitted that he was nervous.

He said: "We have heard a lot about the triangle of death, which makes everyone nervous because it seems much worse up there than it has been down here.

"We have controlled the situation down here while the Americans seem to have ruined it up there."

Under a deal made with American commanders, the troops will have total control over what tactics they adopt in their own area. But initially, at least, that is unlikely to reduce the risk they run.

Pte Ian Gordon, 19, from Edinburgh, said: "The people are more hostile towards coalition forces up there. In Basra and the south there is militia trouble but in smaller numbers. We have been given extra training in different situations that we may face and different environments.

"The things we've been told to look out for especially are vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices and suicide bombers."

The battle group includes an armoured reconnaissance squadron from the Queen's Dragoon Guards and Royal Marines commandos equipped with mortars to provide added protection.

It is taking over from American marines who will take part in the assault on the city of Fallujah in an attempt to remove insurgents opposing the allies, including Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist leader whose men have kidnapped and beheaded a number of westerners, including the Liverpool engineer Kenneth Bigley.

The revelation that the Black Watch was to be sent to the area around Iskanderiyah provoked great controversy, with critics saying that the difference between British and American tactics was bound to cause problems.

The Government backtracked on a previous decision that the Black Watch should deploy and Lt Col James Cowan, the regiment's commanding officer, was sent north to carry out a reconnaissance of the area around Iskanderiyah before a fresh decision to relieve the Americans was made.

Although the way in which the Government handled the affair further angered senior officers, already furious that they will disappear in the amalgamation of the Scottish regiments, they believe that their men will eventually win over the local population.

"The one thing the Jocks are good at is winning hearts and minds," a former Black Watch officer said.

"They are the perfect combination of a fighting regiment that also understands the need to win over the local population.

"The first 48 to 72 hours are going to be pretty tough. But I do think that after a while the Iraqis will realise that these are the good guys.

"They might talk in a funny way that makes it difficult to understand but they are good guys."