The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905 Message #1310149
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Oct-04 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: Examples of Beatles Lyrics
OK, here's the deal. When the Beatles hit these shores I was too aged to be anything but appalled at the lyrics of their first half dozen songs. So I just quit listening. And I still have not developed any appreciation for their 'sound'.
I keep hearing devotees enthusing over the Beatles' musicanship, their lyric writing ability, the way they forever have changed music as we know it.
So. Post some of the lyrics of some of the songs that you think capture their talent. Show me what is so great about them.
She loves you, yah, yah, yah...I wanna hol' your h-a-n-d...