The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74886   Message #1310293
Posted By: fat B****rd
29-Oct-04 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: pop music of today
Subject: RE: BS: pop music of today
I, myself, personally would rather listen to a whole rap album than any one of the "emotional ballads" of the "I will always love you" variety. BTW I know Dolly Parton's original recording has more credibility. I refer to the style not the content. And where does Clinton slag off rap ??. If you're going to knock rap e.g. for inciting hatred how about the KKKs own label recordings ? I heard a snatch from one on a UK Radio 3 programme on Cajun music some years ago and it made me nauseous.
Pop music today seems to be 99.9% in the hands of the media. There's always talent (IN SOME PEOPLES EARS) but from a success point of view talent, originality etc has never guaranteed results. Let's face it would the people who sing the praises of their favourite local performers be happy if they were successful and therefore POP music.
In my experience as a 57 year old UK music fan the two most closed minded sets of devotees are those of Country and Western and the Heavy Metal Brigade. But I will support anybody's right to like?but/listen to whatever they damn well please.

Good thread this, innit ??