The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71751   Message #1310487
Posted By: Greg F.
29-Oct-04 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Subject: RE: BS: We're not against the soldiers.
Looks like this BuShite sycophant doesn't mind 'dissing' the troops.

Now THERE'S a real "War President" for ya- "The Buck Stops....

someplace else"

Giuliani suggests troops were responsible for weapons stockpiles

By James Gorden Meek and Helen Kennedy
New York Daily News

WESTLAKE, Ohio - (KRT) - Rudy Giuliani stepped all over President Bush's message of the day when he suggested Thursday that U.S. troops and not the White House were responsible for the missing explosives in Iraq.

"The actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there," Giuliani said on NBC's "Today" show. "Did they search carefully enough? Didn't they search carefully enough?"

John Kerry's campaign quickly noted that commanders say the soldiers who stopped at the arms depot during the push to Baghdad were not ordered to search or secure the place.

"If George Bush is going to have his friends out there blaming the troops, then he needs to back up his claims with evidence. Mr. President, show America the order that you issued for our troops to secure these dangerous explosives," said Kerry running mate John Edwards. "Our men and women in uniform did their jobs. It's our commander in chief, George Bush, who didn't do his."....

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