The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905   Message #1310537
Posted By: Steve Parkes
29-Oct-04 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: RE: Examples of Beatles Lyrics
A couple of things you Americans should bear in mind ...

In the early days, Lennon & McCartney were consciously emulating (or imitating, if you prefer) the style of Buddy Holly: trying to get the same level of simple and simplistic lyrics tied to a catchy tune. I think we can say they achieved this.

The UK kids were listening to mostly of US music: Holly, Elvis, all those. The new bands -- the Mersey bands, the Rolling Stones (named for a US blues song) and the rest -- were like a breath of fresh air to many, and were home-grown to boot. The British groups' popularity mushroomed here.

Later in the sixties, the dollar/pound exchange rate favoured US record producers recording over here, which was a boost to UK bands who wanted to tour the States. All the popular bands would have crossed the pond sooner or later; conditions helped make it sooner.

You don't have to like the Beatles! We won't think any the less of you for it; presumably, Ebbie, you're a Stones man?
