The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905   Message #1310606
Posted By: PoppaGator
29-Oct-04 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: RE: Examples of Beatles Lyrics

I'm a bit concerned over something you said about "Yesterday," a song that was recorded right in the middle of the Beatles' heyday, NOT after their breakup:

"...that song and the songs that individual Beatles members recorded later not have the Beatles sound. "

I get the impression that once you heard (and disliked) the band's earliest pop recordings, you figured you knew all about them and their "sound," and stopped listening. I'm not criticizing -- I have the same attitude myself about whole genres of the stuff being turned out today by and for the younger generation.

However: The Beatles spent quite a few years in the public eye, during which they went through plenty of significant changes, musical and otherwise, and they produced lots of noteworthy pieces after they transcended and abandoned that original "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" sound.

Most of the lyrics cited in this thread come from the later 60-80% of their oeuvre, starting from about the time of "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" (yeah, I know, that was a US-only release) through "Rubber Soul," "Revolver," "Sgt. Pepper," and beyond. By the time they quit, this latter-day stuff -- which did "not have the Beatles sound" of their early days -- represented the lion's share of their legacy.