The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1310924
Posted By: Amos
29-Oct-04 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
I think you guys should all take a gander at Going Up River before you go shooting off your mouths -- it makes Kerry's anti-wart activites very clear. It also makes his war record very clear. The chapter's on his serrvice are pretty much what they are claimed to be. He went to harm's way voluntarily and stood up against enemy fire and survived. He came home and took on mob-think as a new variation of enemy fire and survived that. He has more balls than any of these half-baked posters have shown, and has shown more integrity, courage and ability to communicate than anyone in the Bush administration. THe comparison between them is laughable, and one of the indicators of this is the desperation with which his right-wing detractors reach until they nearly fall over to find material to discredit him.