The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74575   Message #1311046
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
29-Oct-04 - 07:48 PM
Welcome to the Mudcat Curious Stranger (nice Mudcat name), and thanks for not being huffy about joining. Sometimes people do get uptight when advised to join, and feel it as a kind of pressure. It's just that it makes things easier, with stuff like PMs (and it also means no one can post using your name, which they can while you are a GUEST.)

There's a fair amount of the necessary information on this thread and on the help Jessica website given earlier.

The full details will already, of course, be with the people who are tasked with making the decision on the appeal for Jessica's father, Russell Worrell, to be allowed to join his wife and daughter, who are living in the town of Reading in Pennsylvania, after having to leave Australia 10 months ago, because the authorities there refused to allow them to stay, because of Jessica's diagnosis, and the future care implications. The reason given for Russell's immigration problem is that when in the States previously, he overstayed his visa.

And we know from Cindy that the various professionals involved - doctors, teachers, counsellors and social workers - are concerned that the enforceed absence of her father is having a serious effect on the mental and developmental welfare of Jessica.

I'd say that is enough to enable people to write letters advocating on behalf of the family, and to motivate them to do so. If Cindy feels that more information would be helpful, and would not in some way cause difficulties, she will no doubt post it.