The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14872   Message #131128
Posted By: BK
02-Nov-99 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Last Trip Home (Davy Steele/J. McCusker)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Battlefield Band: Last Trip H
We're going to see them in concert this saturday.. we'll be looking for this song. Trying to remember another really great song about the last of the Clydesdales used to plow in Dundee (I think) - a real grabber.. I think it's on one of the Garnet Rogers CD's, not sure who wrote it, but it's a real beauty.. Of course Garnet's wife raises horses, 'n if you want another really great horse song, based on a true story, listen to "Small Victory," the title song from his excellent CD, "Small Victories."

Cheers, BK