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Thread #73670   Message #1311473
Posted By: beardedbruce
30-Oct-04 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole

""BUT looking at what was thought true…"
What was thought untrue by most everybody but the neoconservtives in power here."

No, what was thought true by the British and US intelligence comunity, and reinforced by the information from Russia. If everyone though it was bad information, why didn't anyone just tell Saddam to open his borders and let the US search? Or even tell Saddam to comply with the UN resolution(s), and thus remove the threat of an invasion.

""I still feel he would have been derilect in his duty to the nation if he had not attacked Iraq, after the UN refused to take effective action."

The UN was taking effective action. Saddam had gotten rid of his WMDs"

Then WHY was he still in "substantial non-compliance" with the UN resolutions? You have never addressed the fact that the UN has stated that Saddam did not comply.

""Saddam HAD more than enough chances- "

Chances to get rid of the weapons he had already gotten rid of?"

Chances to comply with the UN resolutions THAT HE WAS IN SUBSTANTIAL NON-CDOMPLIANCE WITH.

"And what actions anyone takes on Sudan has no effect on the wisdom of Bush's declaration of war on Iraq."

Agreed- so you feel that the UN has again acted correctly in not dealing with a situation agreed upon to be genocide- Yet you want the US to allow the UN to determine when the US can act in self-defense?