The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75008   Message #1312265
Posted By: GUEST
31-Oct-04 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
According to The Center for Public Integrity:

"Presidential Candidate John Kerry has received increasingly more donations from employees of companies that have historically made large donations to President George W. Bush's campaign.

In fact, Bush and Kerry now share four of the same 10 largest donors this election cycle, all of whom are financial corporations, according to a study by the Center for Public Integrity."

Bush has outfundraised Kerry. Bush's biggest contributors are financial corporations. Kerry's biggest contributors are big media. But for the first time ever, they now share now share four of the same 10 largest donors this election cycle, all of whom are financial corporations.

If the big money boys don't see any substantial differences between the two candidates ideologically, why should we?

Answer? We shouldn't. No matter how much money Nader's contributors gave, this news is enough to make anybody Ralph!