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Thread #75008   Message #1312284
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
31-Oct-04 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
The corporations are just hedging their bets.

The main difference between them is that Kerry is thoughtful and Bush admits to relying on his "gut" without even properly informing himself.

Another major difference is that Kerry has demonstrated moral and physical courage throughout his life.

Bush has never demonstrated either.

Bush has always been inclined to look for shortcuts and to take big risks, betting everything he has on risky ventures like the several oil companies he ran into the ground. People, including, disturbingly, the Bin Laden family, constantly bailed him out.

He took a big gamble on the Texas Rangers wihich did pay off, but even in that case, his only skill was fundraising. An increase in Taxes was what made his success and as usual, Bush relied on his begging skills rather than his leadership skills.

Another thing he is famous for is saving his own skin and letting others hold the bag. He did that by joining the Texas ANG. He did that by quitting the Texas ANG. He did that at several oil companies by violating SEC regulations by pulling his money out without proper disclosure.

Kerry has always taken responsibility. He's always made the braver choice: by volunteering for The Navy; by volunteering for Vietnam; in winning his Silver Star; in winning his Bronze Star; By protesting the Vietnam war; by making peace with Vietnam on behalf og the MIA families; by voting against his party to raise taxes to reduce the deficit.

Do you want stubborness or thoughtfulness?
Do you want courage or selfish expediency?

The choice is clear.