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Thread #75008   Message #1312367
Posted By: GUEST
31-Oct-04 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Kerry took a whole lot more money from the Republicans than Nader did, Jack the Sailor. But apparently you didn't read the information linked to in the original post that shows that Kerry is taking WAY more money from Republicans than Nader has even raised from all his sources combined.

So, since Kerry has taken WAY more Republican money than Nader, and even the Center for Public Integrity says so Jack, you going to switch your vote to the TRUE progressive candidate?

Or just blindly pull the lever and vote for Citibank? Because a vote for Kerry OR Bush is a vote for Citigroup, UBS Financial Services, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

BTW Jack, Morgan Stanley is now one of Bush's "top career patrons" replacing Enron.

Isn't it funny that Kerry accepted $100,204 of that Republican tainted money too, putting Morgan Stanley in Kerry's top ten too?

Oh, and BTW, Nader's BIGGEST top career patrons to date donated a whopping $33,020 for Nader's entire career, not just this election. Compare that with the Bushie Boy contributors to Kerry--the smallest of which is $100,204.

Sorta makes you go "hmmmmmmm...".