The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14885   Message #131254
Posted By: Bert
03-Nov-99 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Get well soon Big Mick
Subject: RE: Get well soon Big Mick
Jeri, do you know something about 'yobo' that I don't? Where I come from, yob is backslang for boy. The final o in yobo (more often spelled yobbo) is added 'cos it sounds better.

Backslang is used in England by shop keepers, especially butchers and to a lesser extent grocers. It is used so that the customers don't know what they are saying. Because of supermarkets, butchers and grocers are dying out, and backslang is dying with them.

The term yobbo is derogatory and most often used to mean layabout. Except of course when it is used as a term of endearment by the likes of Barry.
