The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74937   Message #1312942
Posted By: shepherdlass
01-Nov-04 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Michael Moore on Question Time
Subject: RE: BS: Michael Moore on Question Time
I was equally depressed by the standard of debate. Felt particularly sad that one woman was voting for Bush because she believes he's in favour of the stem cell research which would help her spinal injury. That's the effect of spin on real debate, I suppose, but it was a very cruel illustration of it.

However, I think Moore was deliberately subdued - he took a lot of stick last time round for supporting Nader and being perceived as one of those who let Bush in - so this time maybe caution was the watchword. The few points he did make (eg how the Brits were kicked out of their empire any number of ways bar another foreign power invading the country in order to liberate the people - which was clearly not democratic!) were pretty good but seemed to go completely over the heads of that Jerry Springer audience.