The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74935   Message #1312955
Posted By: breezy
01-Nov-04 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Harvey andrews, 40th anniversary,15th cd
Subject: RE: Harvey andrews, 40th anniversary,15th cd
I too have all his early works Sandra so it was with surprise and pleasure mixed with reassurance that he has developed and matured over the years.

It makes 'the journey' a 'must' to show you where he arrived in his 50s

His 'Centenarian' is a classic to match his 's'

English Ale has entered into the Trad field but elsewhere.

I await with interest to hear his latest offering.

Have you noticed this mutual admiration between El Greko and Harve which borders on great respect from both for the other.
Harv is an admirer of this 'new kid on the block' and endorses El G's lyrical and musical endeavours.