The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75008   Message #1313364
Posted By: Amos
01-Nov-04 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?

I don't what if any secret high powermongers control the polls and the putcome of elections. I know that an infectious belief in the US can take off like grassfire and change the face of politics overnight, regardless of any effort on the part of power mongers to stop it. I know that the brightest and best legacy our predecessors here have left us is the determination to exercise our own sovereignty, and a refusal to be terrorized from without or from within. I'm not willing to give up my franchise, or drift into fearful, terrorized apathy, just because of the bogeymen at the top.

If you have some practical suggestions, let's hear what they are.