The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75012   Message #1313518
Posted By: Bill D
01-Nov-04 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Orthodox Rabbis Endorse Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Orthodox Rabbis Endorse Bush
am I the only one who noted that Dave the Gnome has a world population approaching 35 BILLION back up there?....

as to the subject, I am struck that ANY religious leader would seek to impose a voting obligation on his flock based on an 'opinion' that one candidate is a bit better for them than another. He doesn't claim that Kerry is against Israel, or that Bush loves the Jewsih people, only that Bush is a 'better' friend, and that his conclusion is that anyone voting for a 'lesser friend' will have "the blood of fellow Jews" on his hands"! such logic!