The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74902   Message #1313646
Posted By: Bobert
01-Nov-04 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
Well, Rag, yer guy's idea to treat terrorist as a war certainly isn't working. Seems it has done nuthin but create more terrorists. See, when you go invading other countries that aren't terrorists and have no plans to attack you in the name of fighting terrorism than you aren't solving any problems but creating new ones... You can argue otherwise but the invasion of Iraq hasn't done anything but crate one fine place for terrorists to infiltrate and infiltrate they have. These folks weren't welcome when Saddam was in power and knew to saty the heck out. Now, with destabilizing Iraq, every day is a new day for the terrorists and the possibilities endless...

Now yer gonna argue that Bush had faulty intellegence. Doesn't matter because he has also said he would have attacked anyway to get rid of Saddam, who BTW, tried to kill his daddy... Blah, blah & blah... What hind of reasoning is this, Rag? Can you explain it. First he tells us why he's attacking Iraq. Then he finds, if you can believe the weizel, that those reasons were wrong. Then he come up with new ones which don't make any sense what so ever. "Well, Saddam isn't in power anymore!!!" Yeah, and the point is??? Maybe you'd like to explain this alittle better sincew you have accused folks of not giving itemized lists. What don't you understand about the question?

(Well, Bobert, maybe Rag likes questions that are numbered?)

Is that it? Do the questions have to be numbered?

Ahhhh, while we are asking? Just how many countries are you willing to be at war with at the same time, Rag???... I mean, since you like the military model for fighting terrorism, I'm looking at half a dozen without even having to work up much of a sweat... Ummm, we've allready seen just what happens when the US takes on a second war with what's happening in Afganistan. Outside Kabul, the warlords run the country. Taliban folks run entire villiages. Bin Laden and his boys are very possibly holed up there and guess what? We're close to loosing that war because so much emphasis is now on Iraq, where we can't ever equipe our troops. Hmmmmmm? See, Rap, the military modle ceratinly isn't working. Or do you see something that no one else sees other than Bush and his tiny little circle of neocons???

Yeah, I'm real curious to hear waht you have to say about the questions I have posed here.

Before you came here we had the mighty "Teribus" who could write doctorial thesis length posts overnight and who valiantly founght to defend Bush. Teribus and a couple of his pals (Gareth for one) asin't been around much lately. Why? Well, I'lll tell ya' why. It's because it turned out that alot of folks who oppsed Bush's push to war, were right. Yep, as the war unfolded, one prediction after another by folks who saw Bush for nuthing more than a cowboy, came to pass...

I repsect your courage to defend Bush and his failing policies but as you do it, please take the time to respond to real questions that those on the other side have fir you other than to dismiss them as "bullsh*t... That does not do well for lending credibility to your arguments...

