The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75008   Message #1314212
Posted By: GUEST
02-Nov-04 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
akenaton, trying to hold a meaningful discussion with the Brownshirts for Kerry is the equivalent of arguing with a brick wall.

I have made many suggestions for reforms that would result in real, meaningful change (like reforms to the electoral system; true campaign finance reform and non-partisan regulation of campaign donations, financing, and spending; term limits for Congress; limiting the legal and political power of corporations, especially in the arena of lobbying by banning the "revolving door" altogether) only to be met with "that will never happen" or "idealism is nice, but impractical in this election" or some such crap.

In other words, these are comfortable middle class American white men who like spouting off as armchair political activists, who think the American status quo just fine, and will crush everyone else's right to critisize that status quo, much less dissent from the prevailing opinions of the political establishment.