The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75008   Message #1314504
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Nov-04 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush vs Kerry: What Difference?
Okay, Ake. No sweat. Here's to exchange of ideas. We all learn that way.

But Marty, your assessment of me is way off base. I'll give you .003 nano-give-a-shits on this one. I'm the way I am because I'm an avid reader, I've lived a bit, and I'm interested in the way the world is going, not just for myself, but for others, including my progeny and, for that matter, yours. I'm quite happy with the way my life has gone and the way it's going now. Me? A loser? Not hardly. I've done most of the things that I really want to do, but rather than simply playing out my days, I'm still leading a busy life, doing the things I enjoy doing, especially now that I'm retired. Rather than being old and feeble as you like to characterize me, I'm quite healthy, and if family longevity has anything to do with it, I have many years to go yet. I enjoy having enough miles on my clock to be able to look at the world with a little perspective. "Preaching" on an internet site, as you call it, is merely taking part in a legitimate exchange of ideas. I read far more than I write. And my time on the internet (and not just on Mudcat) occupies only a small part of my busy life.

By the way, I didn't say you're pathetic, you just did. And I'm not ridiculing anyone who hasn't already amply rendered himself ridiculous. Actually, Marty, I feel a bit sorry for you. I don't have to get my jollies by behaving like a jerk, but that seems to be your main recreation most of the time that you're logged on. Maybe we should confine our exchanges to the music threads. We do seem to get along fairly well up there.

And GUEST, you characterize my position (and anyone else with whom you disagree) as "entrenched." Well, yes, I've thought about it a great deal, and I do think I'm right. That's why I voted the way that I did. If that makes me "entrenched," then so be it. But just to make it clear, it's obvious that you're just as "entrenched" as I am. Isn't it possible to disagree with me—and others—without being insulting about it?

And I'm hardly carrying out "cyber-pogroms." Actually, considering the number of threads you've started, sometimes several a day, all on the same basic theme ("Don't be a stupid two-party clone! Vote for Nader! Anybody who doesn't is a brainwashed idiot!"), and the way you respond to anyone who doesn't buy your viewpoint without question, I'd say that you are the one who is the main aggressor here. But if voting for Nader is what you really feel is the right thing to do, then I'm certainly not going to send any storm troopers to stop you, even if I could.

From Merriam-Webster online:
Main Entry: po•grom
Pronunciation: 'pO-gr&m, 'pä-; pO-'gräm, p&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish, from Russian, literally, devastation
: an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews
That's a little over the top, don't you think?

Go vote.

Don Firth