The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63552   Message #1314508
Posted By: Folkiedave
02-Nov-04 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: Dover has republished Child
Subject: RE: Dover has republished Child
I offer a word of both good and bad news in such matters as waiting for the LH edition. These can take years. Bronson in four volumes started in 1958 and finished in 1972 (!!) So it can take a while....

The good news is (using that as an example) the last volume was not published in such great numbers as the first. This means complete sets - as anyone who has tried to buy a set of original Bronsons will tell you - are not normally come across in the average S/H bookshop.

I reckon at the current rate of progress the LH edition of Child will take ten years. Now if they get taken over/go bankrupt/change of heart/any other reason/to not complete the set......

So be very patient and best not to hold your breath.

Best regards,

Dave Eyre