The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74902   Message #1314622
Posted By: Bobert
02-Nov-04 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
Yo Dougie,

I think you might want to rearead more of Rag's posts before coming to his defense. Hey, I gave Rag the benefit of the doubt. It's Rag who has no particular interest in debating the issues. He's just a hair above an outright troll...

Larry K,

I'm not sure that anyone has given up anything but with a close election, with Diebold factored in, the Dems are gonna have to face the real possibility that getting the most vots cast isn't the same as getting the most votes counted. Dem know this. It will take at least 51%, more like 52% Kerry to win the election Anything under 51% will get manipulated and the Repubs will steal it.

Rodney, mah man,

One thing I've learned 'round this joint is that if you post adult posts you will get a better share of adult reponses. So, other than branding all Catters as childlike, perhaps you'd liike to pick a topic, start your own thread, and see what happens. I think you will be surprised. Sure, you'll get yer fair share of lightweights but you'll also find a lot of folks here with much better minds tha 4 years olds...

Jus a suggestion.
