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Thread #74902   Message #1314884
Posted By: DougR
03-Nov-04 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Bush be Impeached?
As I write this, Fox News (yes that dreaded news source Liberals love to hate)reports that GWB has 269 Electoral Votes, one shy of the amount necessary to win the election. The Kerry campaign is sending a bunch of lawyers to Ohio to see if there is anyway to turn this election into the fiasco of 2000, but assuming they can't find a way, Bush will likely be re-elected as President. Even more disturbing to my Liberal friends, though, is the fact that it appears that the Republicans will gain an even larger majority in the House and the Senate. Even if there were a case for impeachment (which there isn't)it might be a bit difficult to get it under way.

So Impeach away I say. I'm sure it will go ...where?
