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Thread #74806   Message #1316005
Posted By: GUEST,Smedly
03-Nov-04 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Dangerously Wrong on Nuclear Non-Prolifer

So Bush is an asshole for arrogantly trying to be the peace keeper of the world. But he is also an asshole for not being the peace keeper of the world.

I got it.

And Pete Domenici's wondering, not statements to the effect that Bush is preventing destruction of something makes him twice an asshole either way.

In addition everything that any previous administration has or has not done is scooped up and laid at the feet of Mr Bush.

I am wondering if someone is not trying to put all the blame for everything on Bush.

Was there a global test done on the US acting unilaterally to "destroy this material? Was it approved by the UN?

Yes, If what you are saying is true and not just finger pointing. we are all doomed. Start digging your hole.

But let me go into more detail:

The title to your thread is your creation not NBC's. That is your unbiased interpretation of what was on NBC. Right?

"Don't take my word for it" means that your word is the same as NBC's word?

The statement about half the world's stock pile comes from the DOE and does not point any fingers at Bush or anybody. Just a statement of facts.

The John Kerry statement points a finger, one of thousands, at Bush. That is proof of something?

"Bush has let 2 programs lapse because Russia would not agree to something." It is their shit that they made and they want to place conditions on someone else to take care of it for free? Is that the fault of Russia or Bush? It seems to me that he is protecting American interests and the tax money that you and me pay.

Then a Domenici wondering. His opinion, not NBC's? His attempt to put a spin on something to make it a Bush fault?

I wonder If Ron D has considered the liabilities involved in toying with world opinion on nuclear proliferation? Ha! you are in trouble now.

Then a statement by Robert Galluci that applies to any nuclear material anywhere in the world at any time from the creation of the first nuclear material and into the future. Where does he say it is a George Bush fault?

Then it says he could have added...... Who said that? NBC, Galluci? Kerry or you?

The I read "It sounds like........" Was that NBC saying what it sounds like? Sounds like it was you are putting your spin on NBC's story.

And lastly a statement that "he" is willing to sacrifice something. Again it looks like you are adding your spin to NBC's story because you have not delineated what was from NBC and what was not.

I am sorry to sound so hostile but I get mad when I parse something like this and evaluate it.

Bottom line is that Kerry accused Bush of ending something and it was wrong. It is my opinion that this is one of a thousand accusations Kerry has made in his failed attempt to make himself look good and get more votes at the expense of the national security.

NBC reporting it does not ad validity.

Anybody that wants to believe this is welcome to so but you wanted my opinion and my opinion it is a waste of time to read it.

Also I note a dearth of direct quotations and Pro-Bush sources but I am not going to enforce those particular rules of debate. because you seem to have let them lapse.
