The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75136   Message #1316195
Posted By: John Golightly
04-Nov-04 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Subject: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
This thread is for those who wish to express opinions, positive or negative, about Sidmouth 2005 and beyond.

If you have a problem with the way things are going, or which individuals is/are involved in helping them go that way, or if you want to discuss past history or high-level strategic issues, or ask rhetorical questions, then this is the place.

It is one of 2 threads which are together a continuation of
51st Sidmouth festival
- so that's where to look for earlier postings.

As for the other continuation thread - if you have news, straight questions, suggestions, or something positive/constructive/forward-looking to say, then please go instead to "Sidmouth 2005+ - news, info & support"

John Golightly