The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905 Message #1316515
Posted By: GUEST,Chief Chaos
04-Nov-04 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: RE: Examples of Beatles Lyrics
Ebbie, I was born in '66, not old enbough to fully comprehend anything in the music world for quite a few years. The first song I can really remmeber hearing on the radio was "Hey Jude". I've been hooked ever since. I have the compilation of the Beatles which is supposed to be complete. Yes there are silly songs, songs that almost make no sense unless your stoned (which they probably were when they wrote them)and others as described. The thing that made the beatles great was that they had no "signature sound" You never knew what would come next.
One of my faves:
Her Majestys' a pretty nice girl, But she hasn't got alot to say Her Majestys' a pretty nice girl She changes from day to day I want to tell her that I love her alot but I've got to get a belly full of wine Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl Someday I'm gonna make her mine, oh yeah, Someday I'm gonna make her mine