The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75142   Message #1316529
Posted By: George Papavgeris
04-Nov-04 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
I've come late into this. First, my answer to the original question:

At citizen level, the US does not bother about the UK elections, for whatever reasons. At Government level, they do, very much so - because the UK and Blair is a major tool in drawing as much of Europe as possible into some sort of "coalition". It worked in the first Gulf war, and it sort-of-worked in the second. If they lose Britain's membership in the coalition, the US Govt is left with diddley squat to pretend they are not going it alone.

Davey, boy you don't know your history from the bogey in your nose. When did the US interfere in a sovereign democracy? Check out what the US (through the CIA) did in Greece in 1967, days before the general election that George Papandreou was sure to win by a landlside. The truth is all a matter of public record now, it came out in the trials of the Greek Junta Colonels in the late 1970's. In the same year the US were also interfering in Italy. And how about Nicaragua? All part of the "communist Empire" myth that Straus and his followers were promoting.

I am against any country's interference with any other country - sovereign democracy or not. If sustainable change is required in a country, it can only come from within. You cannot impose or import democracy, it's an oxymoron. And who is to say that one country's so-called-democracy is better than another's?