The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75142   Message #1316645
Posted By: GUEST
04-Nov-04 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the US bother about UK elections?

There are those of us Yanks who do not derive our entertainment from monster truck rallys, NASCAR racing, etc., and I, for one, damn sure don't drink that Budweiser skunk piss.   I am very interested in British politics and elections. My wife is a UK citizen (Scottish), which might, at least in part, account for some of that interest. I get embarrassed for the people of the UK when I see the outlandish behaviour by members of Parliament and the House of Lords during sessions broadcast on CSPAN. I am equally embarrased at the fact that the majority of my own countrymen saw fit to leave that little prick in office for another 4 long years. By the way, I've been hearing from some of your own countrymen that "Bud" is the most popular beer on the market over there. Now THAT I can't quite comprehend, considering the quality of beers and ales in Great Britain.

"Cheerio the noo'"