The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75098   Message #1316742
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-04 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the rest of the world voted
Subject: RE: BS: How the rest of the world voted
What would I like to see? A World where the rule of law applied equally to all nations. A World with a guaranteed minimum wage at the same basic level in all regions. A World free of nuclear weapons and other such horrible weapons.

This is not likely to happen soon, though.

We are quite unlikely to be attacked, because we are not attacking anyone. I'm not in the UK, I'm in Canada. If I were in the UK and it was attacked, which it may well be, I would blame Tony Blair for it at this point, because it was his decision to attack Iraq without need or provocation, and he is practicing grand imperialism.

To accuse the US government of behaving like the Nazis may be seen as an insult, I understand that, but it is not intended as such...because...if it's true, then it's not an insult, but a warning to ordinary Americans that they are being lied to and used by their government. I like ordinary Americans (though we may disagree on politics).

A New World Order was spoken of by Bush the Elder back in the 90's, after the fall of the Soviet Union. The plans for instituting that New World Order were described in a document put together by Neo-conservatives called "Project for a New American Century". Look it up on Google here:

Project for a New American Century

That will tell you pretty much the whole story on present USA foreign policy, which is nothing less than a plan for world domination, a world empire, achieved through the fighing of a number of "small-theatre" wars. Among the key planners of that project were Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Jeb Bush was also a signatory to the document. G.W. Bush is just the regular guy, the "face" they selected to get elected as front man.