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Thread #75098   Message #1316955
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Nov-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: How the rest of the world voted
Subject: RE: BS: How the rest of the world voted
I am NOT from the UK! (grin) I'm from Canada. (It's that enormous area of land that is immediately north of you Americans.) But thanks for the good wishes anyway.

Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo didn't give a rat's ass what the rest of the World thought either. Where are they now?

Doug, if you read the Project for a New American Century document carefully you will see that there is indeed a plan in the works for world by the USA...and I am not the one who is recommending it. People like Dick Cheney are the ones working for that. I'm recommending a World Bill of Rights which gives equal rights to all people everywhere. That is not the same thing as a world government. We already have a shaky body of world law that is supposed to protect all people, in things like the Geneva Conventions, and in notions such as: it is illegal to wantonly invade another country, and it is illegal to commit mass murder, rob banks, etc. That's what we have Interpol for, isn't it? To catch crooks who flee to another country.

We have been taking shaky steps in the direction of establishing common rights and protections for ordinary people on this planet for centuries now, and those steps have not resulted in any nation losing its independence, but they have saved the lives of many ordinary people.

A nation which cares nothing for the opinions of the rest of the World is an outlaw nation, just as a person who cares nothing for the opinions of the rest of a town (regarding his actions) is an outlaw.

Go ahead and be proud of it if you want to. It's your leaders who are aiming to set up a world government, not me, and it's called the New World Order. It will rule by force, not by justice, if it succeeds.

And I quote my own words in a previous post, Doug: "I am not minimizing the American accomplishments in WWII, which were huge."

In no way am I saying that the USA did "little to win World War II". I am saying that they did not do it alone or even close to alone. The Russians and British did no less.

My dream is not of a world government. My dream is of many fully independent nations of people living in brotherhood and peace with one another, all protected by a consistent body of legal rights and freedoms, so that they can live in safety and security in whatever unique fashion they find suitable to them, regardless of religion, race, or any other distinction. This is no threat whatsoever to your values as an American or mine as a Canadian or anybody else's either. It's merely an improvement (a big one) of what we already have in this World today.

You have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? Well, so do I and so do the French and so do the Iraqis, but we would like to work out our own local ways of doing it, thank you.