The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74905 Message #1317309
Posted By: mousethief
05-Nov-04 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: songs by The Beatles
Subject: RE: Examples of Beatles Lyrics
I was born in 1961 and the first song I ever memorized was "Yesterday" at about 4 or 5 years of age. I cut my teeth on Beatles soundtrack albums my mom bought -- Hard Day's Night, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine.
Then for a time I rather ignored the Beatles and they ignored me.
In high school I rediscovered the Beatles and have been a die-hard fan ever since. I even wrote a song about John Lennon on the day he died.
Best lyrics? Most of them have already been mentioned. But here's one nobody has mentioned.
When I was in college, I used to make buttons (the kind like political buttons) (i had a button fall apart and would just write or draw something on a piece of paper and shove the two parts back together and voila! i had a button) and and wear them around. I worked at a campus eatery and one day I had a button on it that had some lyrics from a Lennon song.
The sun is up The sky is blue It's beautiful And so are you.
and I drew a rainbow or something on it as well.
A lady in line saw it and said, "That's nice, who wrote that?"