The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1874   Message #131827
Posted By: bigJ
04-Nov-99 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: House in the Country (from Albion Band)
Subject: RE: House in the Country:background info?
P.S. Sorry, the preface to the song says:- Another indication of a flourishing tradition is the addition of new material into the repertoire. The most obvious, although not the only way this may take place is by the composition of original songs. Maggie Stewart, formerly living in Aberdeen and now in Montrose, has written a number of fine pieces as well as being an important contributor of traditional material. The song given here illustrates the dilemma of tinkers who wished to become integrated into society and yet at the same time not to discard any of their own character and custom. The Second World War was an important era for the travelling community, when the expanded beaurocratic machine pushed tinkers into the mainstream of society, requiring them to fight and to be listed and counted. Notes by Peter A. Hall.